Cardhop Review App
cardhop review app

Cardhop Review App Trial Version Is

Add or editThe wait is finally over. Just type what you want and Cardhop will figure it out Search Instantly find what youre looking for by typing the name or details and let Cardhop handle the rest. For those who manage hundreds of contacts and reach out to dozens of people every week, the Cardhop app makes it much easier to find everything, add new information and contact people.Cardhop lets you search, add, edit, and interact with your contacts in a fun and interactive way. A free 21-day trial version is also available for download. Cardhop is now available on the Mac App Store for an introductory price of CAD 20.99.

If you’re familiar with Fantastical, you already know where I’m going with this. The first is Natural Language Processing (NLP). If you want to read my thoughts about the Beta experience head over here.Cardhop introduces several key features which are missing in every other address book app.

Now back to the interesting part of how I learned about the fact that I was off Beta. After that, the great software. To get all the features, Flexibits offers a free 14-day trial for the Premium subscription.

Not a big reveal worth talking about, but hey, let’s me write this review - So I’m cool! Product Review:I already covered most of it in the Beta Review, but let me recap a few highlights here. The way I got to know I was off was when I kept checking the app everyday, going through setup over and over and one day - “I WAS OFF BETA!”. However, I got no such text.

Not just that, it also promises to go one step further and give you the additional context of when you interacted with a specific person last, pulls up relevant info from LinkedIn etc, so that you have context about whom you are talking to. So there’s definitely a big enough justification to solve this with AI.Sunshine tries to be this “Smart contact manager” which promises to clean up your contacts and make them more manageable. Apple Contacts is anything but smart and is a nightmare to manage. Is it a problem that needs solving? Definitely.The contact experience indeed is highly fragmented and chaotic.

They just type in the shortest version of the first name that comes to their mind, along with a word or two to remind them of who that is. Most users don’t create contacts in the disciplined way iOS expects them to create it. The way the Contact object is stored includes Apple’s complex First Name, Middle Name, Given Name, Last Name, and Email addresses as separate tuples. Some reasons for past failures:Why could this be? Coming from a technical perspective iOS contacts is a nightmare to wrangle.

cardhop review app

Here it relies on you to have saved the contact in a way that makes sense for it to work well - For Example: Calvin Work is not going to be “enhanced” by Sunshine. This involves looking through your contacts and enhancing it with LinkedIn or Google Search Images when appropriate. The app works in 2 passes - it first tries to enhance your current iPhone’s Contact list when you give it access. Sunshine Contacts: Current State of Affairs:Given this context, let’s talk about how things work today with Sunshine.

This leads to an unwieldy contact list, with potentially more duplicates that sunshine promised would eliminateImages of some contacts pulled from social media are incorrect which leads to more confusion. As a result, it just appends email addressees as a new contact with the email entity alone. Here are a few examples:Since the algorithm cannot identify email addresses and map them with relevant contacts all the time. It also seems to pick redundant contacts (not a lot of them though - how it only a few of them as redundant and let others go is something I don’t understand) and asks if they are the same person and marks some emails as obsolete, which is smart.However, there are some glaring issues with Sunshine Contacts that I hope will be fixed in the upcoming versions.

For example The “make it better” button, does not give you context on how it plans to attempt to enhance the contact and what new information will be available after the enhancement.Another interaction where the experience is not really fleshed out is the Contact Card Experience. The color scheme is antiquated and looks more like a banking or insurance app.The UX in some interactions is vague and does not really set the right expectations of what to expect. This does not work when there are multiple results of people with the same first and last name!The UI is Clunky! - especially for a “Smart Assistant App”.

cardhop review appcardhop review app